Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] A TUFS student has started the exchange program at UP (South Africa)

Chihiro Yamashita, a third-year student of African major, began her exchange program on July 2024, at University of Pretoria. Chihiro will study at the department of humanities for one year.

Message from Chihiro

Hello! My name is Chihiro Yamashita and I’m in third year in the major of African Area Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. I will study at University of Pretoria in South Africa for about a year. I’m in the faculty of Humanities, and I take classes of Education, Sociology and Criminology. Also I will take the class of local languages in next semester. I have wanted to study in African countries since I entered TUFS, so I’m glad to study at University of Pretoria actually. For two weeks since I came here, I went to Apartheid Museum, saw wild animals at the Nature reserve, and had parties with international friends. In Pretoria, there are a lot of dangerous areas so I can’t go to many places easily, but I like warmth of people, unique culture and atmosphere of Pretoria, and I’ll try to learn a lot of things and improve myself a lot. Lastly, thank you for staffs of IAfP, and teachers and staffs of TUFS for supporting me.

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