【活動報告】ライティングセミナー「IELTS Task1」開催報告(受講者の声)


2024年10月30日(水)に、今学期のライティングセミナー(第1クール)第1回「IELTS Task1」が開催されました。受講者の声を聞いてみましょう。


I decided to join this ELC seminar to learn the construction of writing part of IELTS because I am considering which to take TOEFL or IELTS in the near future.

I want to get a good score in the IELTS because it is necessary for studying abroad and for getting a high salary at a part-time job.


◆講義内容:IELTS Task1 の構造と解き方

The IELTS Writing Task requires you to describe line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, tables, maps, etc., in 20 minutes with 150 words.

For Task 1, a common approach is to first write an introductory sentence, then describe the overall features of the graph without referring to specific statistics or numbers. After that, explain the trends indicated by the table using statistics, numbers, and time frames.

IELTS Task1の基本説明と、まず全体の傾向を指摘し、その上で個々のデータを引用して議論を展開していく…という文章構成のテクニックが伝授されたようです。


Some vocabulary such as ’leveled off’ ’a major of… stronger than… less than… both lines show…’ can be used to explain the chart in detail.

In the session, I was surprised at the word ‘plateau’! Additionally, I also learned that the top of line graph is ‘peak’.



Ms. Dawn kept talking to us during the seminar like “do you have questions?” In today’s lecture, I could focus on the contents and take the class carefully thanks to her.

There were so many different types of writing parts we covered this time that we did not have enough time to explain all of them in detail.



・第1回(IELTS 1)2024年12月4日(水)11:50-12:30
・第2回(IELTS 2)2024年12月6日(金)11:50-12:30

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