Here is a summary of the ELC Assignments and assignment points.
For more details, please read these documents. (Japanese edition only)
- 2024 ELC User Guide (p.12-p.15)
- 2024 ELC Assignments
Target students
1. Students Enrolled in GLIP English Courses “English A1-A4” (This includes students retaking the course. However, transfer students and exchange students are excluded.)
The achievement level of ELC Assignments will be included as part of the course grade.
2. First-Year Students Majoring in English (Excluding students majoring in the Africa or Oceania areas in the School of International and Area Studies)
Achievement of ELC Assignments (earning 10 points) is a requirement for progression to the next year. Therefore, all students must complete the ELC Assignments, regardless of whether they are enrolled in GLIP English courses.
Eligible Programs
・Speaking Session
・ELC Seminar
・News Review
・Recording Task
・Vocabulary Test
Main rules
Speaking Session / ELC Seminar
1. Participation and Submission for Points
To earn ELC Assignments points, you must participate in at least one Speaking Session or ELC Seminar and correctly submit “Essay and Self-Assessment Sheet.” If you do not earn at least one point from the session or seminar, any points earned from other programs will be invalidated.
2. Conditions for Point Approval
Simply participating in a session or seminar does not guarantee points. After participation, you must submit “Essay and Self-Assessment Sheet” within the designated deadline. Points will only be awarded if there are no deficiencies in your submission. If there are deficiencies, you must correct and resubmit them by the resubmission deadline (refer to the “Submission Rules” for details on deficiencies). Feedback on whether points were awarded or if resubmission is required will be communicated through the feedback comments on Moodle for Open Education (MOE).
3. Punctuality and Attendance
If you are more than five minutes late to a session or seminar, it will be treated as an absence, and you will not earn points. Additionally, from the second unexcused absence onward, one point will be deducted for each absence. If you are unable to attend, you must cancel in advance (refer to “Reservation and Participation Rules” for cancellation procedures).
News Review
News Review does not earn points on its own. You can earn a total of 2 points by participating in the Discussion Session (which covers the same article as the News Review) in the same week. You will earn 1 point for the Discussion Session and 1 point for the News Review, totaling 2 points.
Recording Task
Submitting Recording Task, like other sessions and seminars, requires that there be no deficiencies; otherwise, resubmission is necessary. Whether your submission has been accepted or if resubmission is required will be communicated through feedback comments on Moodle for Open Education (MOE).
Vocabulary Test
The Vocabulary Test is worth 1 point for a perfect score of 30 questions. If you make mistakes, you must retake the test until you achieve a perfect score. Even if you take both the B1 and B2 tests in the same week, you can only earn 1 point. Also, ELC will not notify you of point approval for the Vocabulary Test, so you should keep track of your own progress.
ATR CALL BRIX is worth 1 point after completing a total of 20 items in the “金と銀の合計 (Gold and Silver Total)” section. However, the number of items in the “金と銀の合計 (Gold and Silver Total)” section will accumulate across semesters, so in the autumn semester, you should subtract the BRIX items completed in the spring semester. ELC will not notify you of point approval for ATR CALL BRIX, so you should track your progress yourself.
Point Deadline
Each semester has a designated period during which ELC Assignments points can be earned. For the spring semester, this is typically until late June, and for the autumn semester, it is until mid December. For the exact deadlines, refer to the “2024 ELC Assignments.“
*If you have any further questions, please refer to the “2024 ELC User Guide,” “2024 ELC Assignments,” and the FAQ.
How to check the number of points you have earned
1. ELC does not respond to individual inquiries regarding the current number of points earned. You are responsible for managing your own points. You can check the points earned for MOE tasks directly on the MOE platform. For other programs, you must track your progress yourself.
2. No application procedure for points is required. Points will be automatically calculated based on your achievement status.