About ELC

Q1. Where are the ELC and English Lounge located?

A. The ELC is located on the 3rd floor of the Research and Lecture Building, and the English Lounge is on the 4th floor of the same building. For more details, please refer to About Our Center (under the “Location and Campus map” section).

Q2. How can I search the collection of the English Library?

A. The book list (PDF) is available on the Facilities & Library (under “English Library” section). Here’s how to search:
・For computers: Open the booklist in your browser and press “Ctrl” + “F” on your keyboard to bring up the search window.
・For smartphones and tablets: In Google Chrome, follow this link (“Search within a page”). In Safari, follow this link (“Search a webpage”).

Q3. Can I return English Library books by mail?

A. If you live far away or will not be coming to the university for a while, you can return books by mail at your own shipping cost. Please mail the books if you are unable to visit the campus.
Shipping Address:
〒183-8534 Tokyo, Fuchu City, Asahicho 3-11-1
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
English Learning Center

Q4. I can’t scan the QR code on the ELC bulletin. What should I do?

A. Log in to Google using your TUFS account, and use the camera feature in the Google app’s search function to scan the QR code.

About Registration Application for ELC Use

Q1. How do I submit the ELC registration application?

A. Please refer to How to Use (under “Before Using the ELC” section), watch the ELC guidance video, and then submit the form via Moodle for Open Education (MOE) course titled “English Learning Center Registration Application.”

Q2. I forgot to submit the registration application. Will the points I earned before submitting the registration application be invalid?

A. Don’t worry—points earned before submitting the registration application will not be invalid. However, please submit the registration application as soon as possible.

Q3. I submitted the registration application in the spring semester. Is it also required for the autumn semester?

A. If you have submitted the application at the time of your enrollment, you do not need to submit it again in the autumn semester.

About Reservations

Q1. How do I make a reservation?

A. Please refer to Reservation and Participation Rules and the document How to Make Reservations for the ELC Programs (We are sorry to inform you that only the Japanese version is available for the document).

Q2. What do the abbreviations like “RS(B1)”, “AS”, and “WSD” on the TUFS ELC Online Reservation Site mean?

A. These are abbreviations for different types of sessions. For their meanings, refer to Reservation and Participation Rules (under “Abbreviations on the Reservation Site” section).

Q3. How do I cancel a reservation?

A. Please refer to “How to Cancel” in Reservation and Participation Rules.

Q4. How can I confirm if my reservation has been confirmed?

A. Once your reservation is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with the subject line「〇〇様の予約が確定しました」(“Your reservation has been confirmed, [Your Name].”) For more details, please refer to Reservation and Participation Rules (under “Online Reservation Process” section).

Q5. I haven’t received any follow-up communication after making a reservation.

A. Possible reasons include the email being sorted into your spam folder, incorrect email address entered during reservation, or the reservation not being completed correctly. Check these possibilities and if you still haven’t received the confirmation, please contact the ELC. For more information, refer to Reservation and Participation Rules (under “Online Reservation Process” section).

About Submissions

Q1. Where do I submit self-evaluation sheets and essays?

A. Please refer to Submission Rules (under “Download Formats and Submission Instructions” section).

Q2. How can I check the feedback on my MOE submission?

A. When feedback is added in Moodle for Open Education (MOE), you will receive a notification to your TUFS email address. The email will contain a link to access the feedback. You can also open the SS box on MOE, scroll to the bottom, and check the feedback there.

About ELC Assignments

Q1. How can I earn ELC points?

A. You can earn points by participating in various ELC programs. For more details, refer to ELC Points, 2024 ELC User Guide and 2024 ELC Assignments (We are sorry to inform you that only the Japanese version is available for the documents).

Q2. Is there a limit to the points I can earn?

A. There is no limit to the points you can earn. However, only up to 10 points can be included in the GLIP course grade evaluation.

Q3. Do I need to attend both Speaking Session and ELC Seminar for my other points to be valid?

A. It’s not mandatory to attend both. As long as you attend at least one session (either Speaking Session or ELC Seminar), submit Essay and Self-Assessment Sheet, and they are approved, you will earn points. If you don’t attend either, points earned from other activities will be invalid.

Q4. How do I earn points for News Review?

A. News Review points are awarded only if submitted after attending Discussion Session in the same week. If both the News Review and Discussion Session are correctly submitted and approved, you will earn 1 point for each, totaling 2 points.

Q5. Can I earn points for Free Session or Writing Support Desk?

A. No, points cannot be earned for Free Talk Time, Writing Support Desk, or English Language Learning Advising. These are not eligible for ELC points.

Q6. How are points earned from ATR CALL BRIX counted?

A. You can earn 1 point for completing 20 blocks (BRIX), so the “金と銀の合計 (total of gold and silver BRIX completed)” will be 1 point for “20”, 2 points for “40”, and so on. However, the number in the “金と銀の合計 (total of gold and silver BRIX completed)” column accumulates across semesters, so for the fall semester, please subtract the number of BRIX completed in the spring semester from this total when counting. For more details, please refer to ELC Points and 2024 ELC User Guide (P. , P. ).

Q7. What if I took both B1 and B2 Vocabulary Tests in the same week? Will I earn 2 points?

A. No, even if the Vocabulary Test site shows “2 points,” you can only earn 1 point.

Q8. I scored B2 level on the TOEIC, but took the B1 Vocabulary Test and got full marks. Will I earn 1 point?

A. Yes, you will earn 1 point for taking the B1 test. Please use B1 (TOEIC score of 645 or below) and B2 (TOEIC score of 650 or above) as guidelines when approaching the task.

About TOEIC-IP Test

Q1. Where can I check the TOEIC test date I took through the university?

A. You can check it on TUFS Record which can be accessed via Moodle 2, not via Moodle for Open Education (MOE).

Q2. How can I check my exact TOEIC score?

A. If you took the TOEIC through the university, you can check your score on TUFS Record which can be viewed on Moodle 2, not on Moodle for Open Education (MOE).

Q3. I need to reissue my TOEIC score certificate. How can I do that?

A. Please refer to TOEIC-IP Test (under “Reissuing TOEIC-IP Test Score Certificates” section) and prepare the necessary items to apply at the ELC. Since the request is made through IIBC, it is a paid service and may take some time. Please note that the reissuance is available only until the end of the second year following the test year. After this period, reissuance will no longer be possible.

Q4. Can ELC issue a TOEIC score certificate for registration purposes?

A. ELC does not issue TOEIC certificates. However, you can download your score from TUFS Record. For more details, please contact the TUFS Academic Support Center.

Q5. I am unable to take the test at the scheduled time due to studying abroad, illness, injury, or missing the application deadline. What should I do?

A. Regardless of the reason, if you are unable to take the test at the scheduled time, you should take the next TOEIC IP test, which is scheduled for December. You cannot take the TOEIC IP test scheduled for March. Additionally, registration is required to take the test. The information will be provided through the 学務情報システム between October and November, so please check and apply accordingly.

Q6. I have already exceeded the allowed number of TOEIC attempts. Is it possible to apply for the TOEIC IP test in December?

A. The number of TOEIC IP test attempts that can be taken through the ELC is limited to the prescribed number of attempts.

Q7. Is taking the prescribed number of TOEIC IP tests (3 times for Listening & Reading and 1 time for Speaking & Writing before graduation) a graduation requirement?

A. No, it is not a graduation requirement.

Q8. Do TOEIC tests taken personally, TOEIC IP tests taken at a job offer company, or TOEIC IP tests taken within the university or elsewhere count toward the prescribed number of attempts?

A. “The prescribed number of attempts” refers to the number of tests covered by the tuition fees, which is the number of attempts you are entitled to based on the tuition fees paid. These attempts only apply to TOEIC IP tests administered by the ELC. Therefore, tests taken externally are not included in the prescribed number of attempts. Additionally, while other TOEIC IP tests may be held within the university, they are different from those administered by the ELC. The ELC-administered tests are those held in March (or April for incoming students) or December.

Q9. Due to unavoidable circumstances, I was unable to take the ELC-administered TOEIC IP test, and I am short on the required number of attempts. Do I need to fulfill them by taking an external test?

A. The cost of external tests is not covered by tuition fees and cannot be included in your ELC-administered tests. However, taking the test privately is encouraged. The scores from external tests can be reported to TUFS Record and reflected in the Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement provides an objective measure of your language proficiency, expertise, and communication skills at the time of graduation in both Japanese and English, which is not explicitly shown on the transcript. It can be an important tool for future career development.

Q10. I am studying abroad. Can I take the TOEIC IP test online from overseas?

A. Due to system limitations, it is not possible to take the test from overseas.

Q11. I am currently on a leave of absence. Can I take the ELC-administered TOEIC IP test?

A. You cannot take the test while on a leave of absence. Please take the test after you return to school. In this case, follow the procedure described in Q5 and apply separately after your return.

Q12. How many times can a transfer student in the third year take the test?

A. A transfer student in the third year can take the TOEIC IP test for Listening & Reading and Speaking & Writing once each during their time at the university.

Q13. Due to certain circumstances (such as studying abroad, illness, or an accident), I am unable to take the TOEIC IP test. I would like to cancel my registration. What should I do?

A. No cancellation procedure is required. However, after applying, please promptly delete the email from the ELC that contains the test URL. If you access the URL by mistake, test fees may be incurred, so please be very careful.

Other Inquiries

Q1. I would like to know more about the Diploma Supplement.

Please contact the TUFS Academic Support Center for inquiries about the Diploma Supplement and TUFS Record.

Q2. I have questions about GLIP English courses.

Please contact the GLIP desk. The contact information is on the final page of the GLIP履修ガイド (GIP Course guide).

Q3. I am writing my graduation thesis in English and don’t have a Japanese title. Can I still use the English Translation Check of Graduation Thesis Titles?

A. Yes, you can. Writing Support Desk can also review your thesis abstract, not just the title. Feel free to make use of this service.

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