Submission Rules (Essay and Self-Assessment Sheet)

Here are the rules for the ‘Essay and Self-Assessment Sheet’ to be submitted after attending sessions or seminars.

Submission-related Documents

For more details, please read these documents. (Japanese edition only)

  • 2024 ELC User Guide  (p. -p. )
  • 2024 ELC Assignments

Download Format and Submission Instructions

  1. All participants are required to submit a ‘Self-Assessment Sheet and Essay’ after attending the session or seminar (excluding the Free Talk Time). Submission is especially required if you need ELC points.
  2. ‘Essay and Self-Assessment Sheet’ has a specific format. Please download it from Moodle for Open Education (MOE).
  3. The submission destination is the submission box for the relevant week and session on MOE.
  4. Please note that the format and submission destination differ for Speaking Sessions (SS) and Seminars. Ensure that you are enrolled in the appropriate course for both SS and Seminar on MOE before proceeding.
  5. The submission deadline is 23:00 on the Sunday following the session week (for the ELC point deadline week, the deadline is 23:00 on the specified day).

Rules for Submission

  1. Write all required information in English without omission. The essay must be written with between 100 and 150 words.
  2. When saving the file, change the filename as follows:
    Example: If student Gaigo Hanako (student ID 6110111) participated in a session with Advisor Wyatt on May 8th:
    Before renaming:【SS】自己評価&essay_学籍番号氏名参加日_アドバイザー名(←変更して提出) Essay and Self-Assessment Sheet_StudentID_Name_ParticipationDate_AdvisorName
  3. (← Rename and submit)
    After renaming:【SS】6110111Gaigo HanakoMay08Wyatt
  4. After renaming the file, save it in MS Word format.
  5. Drag and drop the file into the submission box for the corresponding week (make sure to check the participation date and session type) and submit it. Wait about 10 seconds until the Word icon appears.

Point Accreditation After Submission

After submission, ELC will review the content. If there are no issues, points will be credited, and you will be notified via the feedback comment on MOE.

If there are any issues, you will be asked to resubmit through the feedback comment on MOE. In this case, you must correct the issues and resubmit in order to receive points (there is also a deadline for resubmission).

Please make sure to check the feedback comments after submission.

How to Check Feedback

When a feedback comment is added on MOE, you will receive a notification sent to your TUFS email address. You can open the link attached to this email to check the feedback.

Alternatively, you can check the feedback by opening the submission box for the SS you submitted on MOE and scrolling down to the bottom.

Common Reasons for Resubmission

Failure to Rename the File

If the file name has not been changed according to the instructions in step 2 of the ‘Submission Rules’ above.

File Name Errors

If there are mistakes in the renamed file name, such as an incorrect student ID, wrong participation date (e.g., the date of submission instead of the session date), or incorrect advisor name.

Failure to Use the Specified Format

If the required format is not used.

Essay Word Count is Outside the Specified Range (100–150 words)

If the essay has fewer than 100 words or more than 150 words.

Other Issues

Any other issues will be pointed out in the feedback comment on MOE, so please check it carefully.

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