Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] Two TUFS students have started the exchange program at Univ. of Ghana

Toko Kuga, a fourth-year student of African major, began her exchange program on Oct 2023, at University of Ghana. Toko will study at the department of humanities for one semester. Here is the messages from Toko.

Message from Toko

Hello, I’m Toko Kuga from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, African course 4th grade.
I study in University of Ghana for one semester from October to December, then I’m planning to go to other African countries.
In University of Ghana, I’m in college of humanities and taking classes about tourism and heritage (archaeology) and about religion in Ghana. Also I belonged to Dance club when I was 3rd grade so I’m curious about African dance and taking “African Dance Performance” class.
University of Ghana is very huge academically and physically. Especially, international students can take classes from various departments so I’m taking classes according to my interests and the purpose to understand Ghana deeply.
The period is short, but I try to see and know Ghana, Ghanaian people and their lives.





University of Ghana [Ghana]
Toko 2023.10.5~2023.12.21
Rina 2023.10.5~2024.8.18