Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] Coordinator’s business trip to South Africa (March 2023)

In March 2023, the IAfP coordinator traveled to South Africa and visited the partner universities, University of Pretoria (UP)and Stellenbosch University(SU). She participated in the SIAN meeting and study abroad fair of Stellenbosch University with a staff of the Student Excange Division.
We deeply appreciate your kind cooperation.

Stellenbosch University

At Stellenbosch University, the coodinator participated in the SIAN (Stellenbosch International Academic Networks) Meeting to celebrate 30 years of internationalization, participated in a study abroad fair, coordinated exchange program with SU International office, and delivered certificates to students who participated in the Japan Online Study Tour held in February.

SIAN Meeting

The SIAN meeting is held every year to discuss networking and internationalization. Since this year marks the 30 year anniversary of internationalization, it was the largest meeting ever (number of invited institutions, days, etc.). As well as Stellenbosch University, we were able to deepen relationships between universities through exchanges with delegations from 76 institutions from 37 countries and regions.。

date:12-18 March 2023

13:Meeting Parallel sessions (Town & Gown Relations/Africa multi-lateral and bilateral partnership meetings)
14:Meeting Parallel sessions (Town & Gown Relations/Africa multi-lateral and bilateral partnership meetings/ EUTOPIA European Universities Alliance)
-Formalisation of the International Town & Gown Network (Crossley Room, Krotoa Building
-Capacity building in support of creating vibrant transnational research communities
15:Meeting -Leveraging multilateral collaboration to build bilateral partnership capital.
-Embedding global education outcomes in institutional learning and teaching programme development: Only a challenge or possible reality?
-The Sustainable Development Agenda and Higher Education: Perspectives from Europe and Africa
-Contextualizing Inclusive Internationalisation
16:Study Abroad Fair
17:Visit to Stellenbosch Business School / Tygerberg International, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences








Study Abroad Fair









Visit to Tygerberg International, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences








Meetign the participants of Japan Online Study Tour


With the director of Stellenbosch University International 









University of Pretoria

At the University of Pretoria, the coordinator held meetings with the International office about inter-university exchanges and exchange programs. She also met with Yuma who are studying at UP and Hanan who has studies at TUFS as an exchange students in AY2022. She delivered certificates of participation to students who participated in the Japan Online Study Tour. She also met with Dr.Karen and Dr.Gnisa, who are cooperating with the coordinator’s classes.

Meeting with International Office team








Meeting with Yuma, Hanan and the students participated in the Japan Online Study Tour










*Report or the IAfP coordinator’s business trip to South Africa from August to September 2022


Stories of the students studied at TUFS

Wendy-Rose Govender “My Stay in Japan”