Participation in a Tree-Planting Project in Khabarovsk

From the 1st to the 6th of May, 2018, Mr. Utsunomiya Kai, a student at TUFS, participated in a tree-planting project in the city of Khabarovsk, while he was an exchange student at the Federal University of the Far East (located in Vladivostok).  The project was sponsored by ‘NPO corporation Musashino, Tama-Khabarovsk Association,’ an organization which has also sponsored other nature experience events, as well as events focusing on intercultural interaction with Russians.   Additionally, in the interest of environmental conservation, they provide assistance (including in the form of research surveys) to projects related to conservation of Siberian wildlife and of the taiga or Siberian boreal forest.
This year’s tree-planting project, the ‘2018 Tree-Planting Volunteer Tour in Khabarovsk’ has been officially recognized as a part of the ‘Japan Year in Russia’ initiative, and the tree-planting itself was reported on by local media, including in a broadcast by Gubernia on the 3rd of May.
Overview of the Internship
Dates: May 1 to May 6, 2018
Venue: The village of Sikachi-Alyan, located near Khabarovsk
Participating students: One