(Pictured above: Russian students listening eagerly to the presentations)
September 21, 2019(Saturday)
A Study in Japan Fair was held in Moscow in 2019. Yoko Shiga, who works at the TUFS High-School-University Coordination Support Office (高大連携支援室), represented TUFS at this fair. This year’s fair was attended by 140 Russian students; ten times the number who attended last year. The presentations were followed by lively question-and-answer sessions.
Professor Hirofumi Kato of Hokkaido University and Minister Toshio Yamamoto of the Embassy of Japan in Russia gave opening remarks, which were followed by presentations on the systems used in Japanese universities, visa issues, and other matters of import to exchange students, as well as presentations by three students with experience studying in Japan.

Following this, presentations on 10 Japanese universities, including TUFS, and one Japanese language school were given, in which the features of each school were introduced to both undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in studying in Japan.
The reputation held by TUFS as an outstanding institution for students wishing to deepen their research of Japan may be part of the explanation for why so many students flocked to the TUFS consultation booth. In particular, a number of students posed questions regarding the postgraduate program (Japan Studies) and the student exchange program.
The fair was reported on Nippon TV’s News 24. (link)