Mazars (A. visiting, visitation, visit; a place of visitation; shrine,sepulcher, tomb, grave), or Islamic sacred sites, have played important roles in various dimensions of the Central Eurasian world. For over a millenia the mazar was the central source of spiritual strength and guidance for the local communities, and it has played a substantial social role in large-scale intersection and contact of various peoples through the act of pilgrimage. Moreover, the mazar sometimes functioned as a kind of landmark that recalled local history, or a “Memory space”. The cultural, social, economic, and historical values of the mazar are indispensable, and thus studies of the mazar have an academic significance in that they help us to develop an in-depth understanding of Central Eurasian history and society. This volume aims to shed light on various aspects of mazars from the points-of-view of twenty different specialists, aiding readers in imagining new intellectual horizons for and about the Central Eurasian world, a welcome counterpoint to some of the tired tropes that have long defined debates about the region.
CONTRIBUTORS: Nodirjon ABDULAHATOV, Rahile DAWUT, Devin DEWEESE, Gulbahar GHOJESH, Patrick HALLZON, Ashirbek MUMINOV, Omerjan NURI, Aitzhan NURMANOVA, Abliz ORXUN, Alexandre PAPAS, SAWADA Minoru, SHINMEN Yasushi, SUGAHARA Mutsumi, SUGAWARA Jun, Rian THUM, WANG Jianxin, WANG Ping, Ablimit YASIN, ZHANG Shicai, ZHOU Xijuan.
菅原純(すがわら じゅん)
東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究院 特別研究員
SUGAWARA Jun is a research fellow of The Graduate School of Global Studies,Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
中国新疆大学人文学院 教授
Rahile DAWUT is a professor of Institute for the Humanity Studies,Xinjiang University
『Mazar: Studies on Islamic Sacred Sites in Central Eurasia』
菅原純 ラヒラ・ダウト編
A5変型判 並製 360頁
978-4-904575-51-2 C3039
【付 属】